1. Martin Scorcese for Best Director. Time for his Lifetime Achievement Award already. . Not his best film, but worthy enough to honor his incredible and Oscar neglected Book of Work. He’ll win. For Raging Bull.
2. Mark Wahlberg in The Departed. Has the best lines and never pulls a punch on a single one. He won’t win because they’re not ready to give Marky Mark an Oscar, but it’s time to take him seriously.
3. Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine. I know he’s in the same category, but he glues this movie together with his own brand of crazy glue. He won’t win either. Eddie Murphy will and he gives a fine performance so I won’t feel too bad. But Wahlberg and Arkin were superb.
4. Little Miss Sunshine as Best Picture. Give a small comedy it’s due just once guys. This movie is hysterical and delivers with great heart. Since United 93, the other great movie of the year wasn’teven nominated, I’ll be rooting for this road trip, the best time I had at the movies all year.
5. Helen Mirren as Best Actress in The Queen. She’s a shoe-in for her performance in this great movie, which just simply captures an event beautifully. And someone actually edited this movie to a reasonable length.
6. Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. If per chance Helen doesn’t win let’s all toast this first lady of the cinema for another incredible characterization. Just awesome.
7. Ellen Degeneres to pull it off and some great chips and dip to get you through the 4 hours.
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