Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Things I’ve learned lately:

Apparently, even after 40 years there’s a point at which a marriage can go bad.
It’s called “The Tipper Point.”

What living person affects the most people on a daily basis?
As a frequent flyer, I vote for the shoe bomber.

BP Sure does have a lot of money. However, if this oil slick heads up the east coast, it won’t be enough.

Just because you’re not part of the problem doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the solution. Where are all the other oil companies? Don’t they have some suggestions? Isn’t this going to affect them in the future? Aren’t there some long term ramifications here for the whole industry?

The Governor of Mississippi went to a picnic rather than meet with President Obama, blowing off a crisis meeting for the second time. Agree or not, wonder what that’s going to cost us?

In fact, our state leaders seem to be downplaying the urgency of this situation which could wipe out half of our coastal economy.
But, we’ll still have the other half. Roulette anyone?

You know you are a beloved coach when your former players visit you on your deathbed one after another, the way it happened with John Wooden.
Name another coach that this would happen to. Bobby Knight?

Sometime good sportsmanship is more memorable than a perfect game.

The young pitching prospects just keep on coming in baseball.

The Saints’ draft, mini-camps, and upcoming training camp are getting more press than the 5th game of the season. Wonder why?

Six. That’s how many times I’ve watched it.

I learned Saints cornerback Jabari Greer, on why he chose the New Orleans Saints in free agency said, “Frenchman Street.”
On Treme, I learned why.

There is apparently some new way to shave out there. Must involve 10 blades.
I’ve never seen anyone stay as clean shaven for 24 hours as Jack Bauer did.
Now that was amazing!

I also learned that wounds heal extremely fast on television.

Also, there are a lot more people out there who can work for 24 hours without taking a break, or even yawning, than I would have suspected.

In fact, have you ever seen anyone yawn on TV?

And finally, I learned that Big Brother is always watching, and her name is Chloe.


It’s ok to break into song anytime you want.

The High School drama of today is a lot different than the high school drama of 40 years ago.


I learned that when in the audience listening to music you should scream constantly.
If it’s a slow song, sway. You can’t listen sitting still using only your ears. You must participate, no matter how much it irritates couch potatoes.

Randy Jackson personally got on the shark and made it jump when he complained that Crystal’s performance of “Me and Bobbie Magee” started “a little slow.” No shit, American Idiot. One of the greatest songs in rock n roll history starts a little slow. Maybe he should’ve stayed busted flat in Baton Rouge.

No surprise that for the 3rd straight year a cute guy playing a guitar won, in an upset over a (slightly) more talented performer.

How to fix AI:
Ban the professionals
Ban the instruments
Ban the audience
Ban the judges
Ban the performers.
There, that should about do it.

Not every personnel move works out the way it should. As comfortable as George Stephenopoulas was on “This Week” is how uncomfortable he looks on Good Morning America. Apparently it’s easier to interrogate George Will than Lady Gaga.

AND, the worst thing I learned, was that T Boone Pickens said there was a well like this in Mexico once and it took them 290 days to cap it.
It was in 200 feet of water.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I agree that Barbour should've gone to "meet" with the President, but were there any discussions. I haven't seen any reports; you know we don't get out much down here and I'm still managing to live without television.