Saturday, May 8, 2021

Rick Ranks from the Couch - 250 Favorite Movies

I have been trying to get through the Sight and Sound top 250 movies as selected by film critics worldwide.  Some are good.  Some aren't.  Most are foreign movies with subtitles.  

Not crazy about their list, I thought I would do my own list of my 250 favorites.  I have chosen to put them on  There you can bookmark them and I can keep the list current with modifications from time to time.  Perhaps this list will outlive me and one night you will be wondering what to watch and pull up my list and pick a flick.  That would make me happy.

Here's the list.

For reference here is the Sight and Sound 250:

Sight & Sound's Critics' Top 250 Films (

I expect comments in 2 formats:

I can't believe you rank "a" higher than "b."  or I can't believe you left "c" off your list.

Let me explain.  I have some weird tastes and don't always see things the way others do.  Those contrarian views extend well beyond movies, by the way.  But you already knew that.