Thanks for all your emails and posts attempting to influence
my vote.
As the election approaches, the two parties have been
incessantly shouting at my independent ass to “wake up.” Bad news – that’s not a great strategy. Every four years one party is hollering that
they need my help to “take back” their country from the opposite party. Honestly, I’d like to take the country back
from both of them most of the time.
Anyway, I thought I should clear up a few things so that they would
understand how to get my vote, wasted though it is because I live in a
non-swing state.
It grows louder every year. “Entitlements” are killing us as a nation. It causes many of my closest friends great
resentment and consternation, and at times boiling blood pressure. Yet, I
believe the elusive truth is that when it comes to entitlements, I take a back
seat to no one.
I am the entitled one and don’t you forget it.
Here’s just a partial list of what I’m entitled to. If I’ve forgotten anything, just assume it’s
my right and the government is supposed to provide it:
I’m entitled to a roaring economy at all times. I’m entitled to an endless bounty of
opportunity. If the economy is bad, fix
it before I’m inconvenienced.
I’m entitled to a low unemployment rate.
In case there’s any confusion, it’s the government’s responsibility to
make sure I can get a job. I’m entitled to a job.
I want to work, just not too hard, and please be sure I get great
benefits. If my skills are useless, I’m
entitled to government help to teach me new skills.
I’m entitled to a mind numbing array of goods and services –
and I want them free.
It’s the government’s role to do whatever it takes to make
me happy, up to and including borrowing obscene amounts of money, printing
money, manipulating money, etc, etc. to make my life a constant joy. You may call that deficit spending. I call it the American way. Think of it as pre-spending, kind of like
pre-boarding. Consider it the medication of the American Voter, Buying our votes $16 Trillion at a time.
I’m entitled to perfect roads and bridges so I can go where
I need to go. Fix the potholes already.
I’m entitled to cheap fuel.
I’ve got a budget you know, even if you don’t Mr. President, and I
expect you to hold transportation costs down.
I’ve got places to go and things I can spend my money on when I get
I’m entitled to a perpetually decreasing tax rate. You do the voodoo – I don’t care how you do
it. Keep cutting my taxes, or at least
promise me you will. I’m gullible that
way. Also, I’m entitled to shield my
money from your grubby paws with things like “tax shelters,” “charitable
contributions” and “deductions” for munchkins.
In fact, if my income isn’t up to snuff, pay me for my munchkins, and
pay their food and health care costs while you’re at it. In fact, I’m entitled to not be taxed at
all. All men are created equal, but
their tax rate shall vary.
When you’re done taking everybody else’s money, I’m entitled
to some grants. I’m going to need them.
I’m entitled to a nearly non-existent inflation rate. Prices can’t go up, and if they do, just lie
to me if you have to, like for example just exclude food and fuel when you
figure the inflation rate, but whatever you do, don’t let prices go up. I’m entitled to level expenditures and
increasing revenues. I’m entitled to disposable income to dispose of.
I’m entitled to running my business without pesky
regulations or laws. This constant
interference in the name of things like “environment” or “employees” or
“anti-trust” just prevents me from “banking” and “banking” is what I’m entitled
I’m entitled to a miniscule rate of interest when I borrow
money. It’s definitely helpful when free
money is one of the things you’re manipulating.
Oh, and when I don’t feel like paying it back, or things aren’t working
out, I like the concept of walking away from debt. I’m entitled to that. Somebody’s got to pay. No reason for it to be me.
Call me maybe? Call
me spoiled.
I’m entitled to a low crime rate. Please see to it.
I’m entitled to a low drop out rate. Take care of education please, just borrow
the money and those kids you’re educating will pay it back some day. We need our kids educated so they can invent
things I need.
Oh, and by the way, I’m entitled to a Supreme Court that
interprets laws exactly the way I want them interpreted. They confuse me sometimes and I don’t like
that. It makes me whine a lot, and I’d
rather be drinking wine. I’m entitled to
I’m entitled to a safety net that will pay me back multiples
of what I put in. Send the tab to the
other table please. Don’t trouble me
with the math. It’s not my fault I might
live longer than expected.
I’m entitled to a perfect environment, and a never-changing
planet. Or, if it’s changing, please
make sure I’m more comfortable, not less.
I’m entitled to a President that will make all this
happen. There are a billion people
that think they can do that job better than whoever is in there, and I’m one of
those people. If he’ll just do what I’d
do, things would be a lot better, and I’m entitled to perfection. By the way, even if things go perfectly I’m
going to bitch and complain. Odds are my
life is miserable and you’re to blame, Mr. President. For everything. If you can’t accept the fact that you’re
responsible for every single thing in America, stay out of that White
House kitchen.
I’m entitled to security.
I’m entitled to the strongest military in the world and it should be
solving all the problems in the world because I don’t really have time. Put that on the tab. I’m entitled to not have to think about
“foreign” and “policy,” so please handle that stuff without my
involvement. I’m entitled to concentrate
on the important things in the world, like Kardashians, sports, my new iphone,
Honey Boo-Boo, whatever that is.
I’m entitled to an endless supply of technology that makes
my life easier. Eventually I don’t want
to get out of bed. Just bring me stuff. I’m entitled to bigger and bigger
televisions. Eventually I just want to
live IN the television. That way I can
live with the Kardashians.
I’m entitled to some social reform by the way. I’m entitled to an endless array of promises
by you politicians on how you’ll fix things.
I’m entitled to hear what I want to hear. Keep promising me things that I want to get
my vote, even though you really have no intention of, or ability to, change
them. You’ve been promising action on
abortion for 40 years now, and no telling how many candidates I’ve voted for
based on their view on that subject – yet nothing has changed. Rome’s
on fire and we’re discussing the fiddle.
Please keep my eye off the ball. I want our financial meltdown to be a complete
surprise. I can say I voted for the guy
who was against “don’t ask, don’t tell,” whatever the hell that means. Someday that will be the title of the Chapter
on the US default to China.
I’m entitled to protection from evil people who do things in
one room in their house, behind their closed doors, that I find deviant.
These people are threats to our way of life.
You know who I’m talking about.
I’m talking about vegetarians.
We can’t allow what they do in the kitchen to
infect our society.
It’s un-American to
not eat meat.
It’s also made clear in
Romans 14:2
one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.” Herbs?
We can’t support America
by eating herbs. You see, these
vegetarians, and what they are doing in their kitchens, are making my life
unbearable. They are weak, and a threat
to the very fabric of America. Soon, they will want to marry each other and
we will have generations of people like them, killing off our cows. They must be stopped, and we need candidates
who will not allow Vegetarian marriage before I have to watch them in public,
sucking on each other’s carrots. I’m
just as entitled to dictating what goes on in their kitchen as I am to
dictating women’s health issues, because I have unmatched insight.
That reminds me. I’m entitled to subsidies. If my business isn’t viable, it’s the
government’s job to prop me up and manipulate my market to protect me. At the same time, I’m entitled to a free
market. I’m getting confused. Just send me a check.
I’m entitled to use any means to
reach the ends in this election. The
truth is a casualty of this society.
There is no truth anymore. Suppress,
lie, balance, truth, cheat, steal, facts, statistics. They are all just useless words. I’m entitled to get my way, as soon as I
decide. If I don’t get my way, I’m
entitled to at least four years of pouting and undermining the bad guy who wins.
I’m entitled to defend myself. I’m entitled to any weapons I want to own,
just like guaranteed in the constitution.
I’m entitled to return fire on some bozo shooting up the joint.
Speaking of the constitution, I’m entitled to freedom from
all religions except mine.
Since there are so many religions to choose from, I’ll just go
with the consensus commandments I’ve observed:
- Thou
shalt have no God before Money
- Thou
shalt not honor anyone not in the same skin color
- Thou
shalt not take the name of the Lord they God in vain outside the sports
- Remember
the Sabbath day to keep it holy except in football season
- Honor
thy mother. And thy father if you
know him
- Thou
shalt not kill the unborn. Once
born, they’re fair game.
- Thou
shalt not commit adultery and get caught
- Thou
shalt not steal votes
- Thou
shalt not bear false witness in a non-election year
- Thou
shalt not covet thy neighbor’s stuff unless it was an entitlement.
So, let me summarize.
If you need a guideline, let this be it.
As an American, I’m entitled to get back more than I contribute.
I’m entitled to that kind of math because I live in the greatest country ever and the supply is endless.
Convince me I’m going to get back more than I put in and
you’ll get my vote. Don’t try to
convince me it’s right for America,
just that it’s right for me.
There, I’m done.
Hopefully I’ve offended everyone, and you’ve learned there’s
no one more entitled than me.
I’ve exercised the freedom of speech I’m entitled to, and
I’ll be deciding whom to vote for real soon.
In the meantime, if I’ve left anything out, please let me
Wait, forgot one thing.
I’m entitled to the left lane at all times.